Campaign Events
Scouts for Equality Spring Gathering 2015
On 23, Feb 2015 | In Campaign Events | By Justin Paul Wilson
I’m thrilled to announce that this April, Scouts for Equality will be hosting our first-ever National Gathering for supporters of inclusive Scouting.
Eagle Scout ’07
Executive Director
Boy Scouts Shuts Down Seattle Methodist Troop for Retaining Gay Scoutmaster Geoffrey McGrath
On 21, Apr 2014 | In Campaign Events, Campaign News, In the Press | By Scouts for Equality
Church Pledges to Resist BSA’s Demand and Remain Open and Inclusive; Scouts for Equality Deplores Boy Scouts’ Callous Act as a Discriminatory Attempt to put Politics before Boys
In a startling and discriminatory move, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) revoked the charter of Seattle Troop 98 and Pack 98 for its refusal to remove gay Scoutmaster Geoffrey McGrath. The BSA revoked the charter of Rainier Beach United Methodist Church’s (RBUMC), a Seattle church whose two Scouting units serve a neighborhood with few other positive opportunities for local youth.
“The Boy Scouts’ decisions only serve to hurt a group of boys who need the values and leadership of someone like Scoutmaster McGrath,” said Zach Wahls, Executive Director of Scouts for Equality, a national organization dedicated to ending the BSA’s ban on gay members and leaders. “Unfortunately, the BSA’s decision calls into question its commitment to leadership and values by perpetuating an outmoded policy rooted in fear and discrimination. History will show that today’s announcement is a self-inflicted wound.”
The controversy surrounding Troop 98 emerged in March, when an NBC News report on the inclusive troop prompted the BSA to question the sexual orientation of Scoutmaster Geoffrey McGrath. McGrath, abiding by the Scout’s commitment to trustworthiness, acknowledged his sexual orientation to the BSA, which in turn, responded by revoking McGrath’s status as Scoutmaster.
Scouts for Equality congratulates Hunter Faulhaber on earning Eagle
On 16, Apr 2014 | In Campaign Events | By Scouts for Equality
Scouts for Equality congratulates Hunter Faulhaber, the most recent openly gay youth to be awarded Eagle by the Boy Scouts of America.
Hunter is a multi-sport athlete, plans on going to school to become a fashion designer, and is fighting for equality in Scouting as a member of Simon Kenton Scouts for Equality chapter. The BSA valued him as a youth member, however now that he’s 18 he runs the risk of having his membership revoked.
Stand with Hunter and the 7,478 other Eagles in Scouts for Equality to help us change that.
Geoff McGrath, a gay Scoutmaster and Eagle Scout in Seattle, has membership taken away by BSA for leading scout troop which is hosted by open and affirming Methodist church
On 01, Apr 2014 | In Campaign Events, In the Press | By Scouts for Equality
Geoff McGrath, 49, leader of Troop 98 in Seattle’s Rainier Beach neighborhood, is believed to be the first gay adult to be booted from the Boy Scouts of America since it held a controversial ballot last May allowing gay youth—but not adults—to participate in one of the country’s most popular youth organizations. The Scouts had severed ties with gay adults in previous years, before the vote to admit gay youth, but McGrath, an Eagle Scout, had been hoping for a different response in this new era of Scouting.
Nashua Valley Council is ready for full inclusion
On 11, Mar 2014 | In Campaign Events | By Scouts for Equality
The benefits of supporting equality are being realized in Central Massachusetts according to a recent article at Last May, the Nashua Valley Council joined with the majority of those in Scouting by supporting the policy change, but, according to Gary Savignano, executive director of the Nashua Valley Council, their executive board went a step supporting a full change to allow gay adults.
This is an example of the leadership necessary to ensure a strong future for Scouting. “Scouts for Equality commends the Nashua Valley Council for supporting an inclusive Scouting movement,” said Eagle Scout and Scouts for Equality co-founder Zach Wahls. “Mr. Savignano understands that once you’re an Eagle Scout, you’re always an Eagle Scout, regardless of your sexual orientation.”
While the BSA reports that 98-99% of units nationally have not been impacted by the policy change, the impact in Central Massachusetts has actually been positive – the Nashua Valley Council now has 5 newly formed units and the neighboring Mohegan Council lost a single unit and still experienced a 12.3% rise in recruiting over last year.
Remarks Given at Equal Scouting Summit by Zach Wahls
On 22, May 2013 | In Campaign Events | By Ken Schulz
Good afternoon everybody. At last year’s annual meeting of the Boy Scouts of America, I delivered nearly 300,000 petition signatures asking the Boy Scouts to end their ban on gay members. One year later, the BSA is on the verge of taking the first step forward and lifting their ban on gay youth in the program. Speaking as a straight, lifelong Scout, I’m thrilled to know that Scouting will soon, we pray, be open to all young men who will live by the Scout Oath and Law.
A lot has happened in the interim. Last July, the Boy Scouts doubled down on their ban, and said it was the best policy for the organization. Since that time, Scouts for Equality has worked with incredible petition starters to gather more than 1.8 million petition signatures on Working with our partners like the Inclusive Scouting Network, GLAAD, HRC, and others, we’ve been able to keep the pressure on the Boy Scouts, so they know how important this issue is to the nation and to the future of Scouting. Our incredible grassroots volunteers organized in nearly 150 of the BSA’s 282 councils and had thousands upon thousands of conversations that were Scout to Scout, parent to parent and leader to leader.
Scouts for Equality and the Inclusive Scouting Network Support Equality at the “Equal Scouting Summit”
On 17, May 2013 | In Campaign Events | By Scouts for Equality
Summit to Discuss Building an Inclusive Boy Scouts to Be Held Across from National Meeting in Grapevine, Texas
Speakers to include Zach Wahls, Mark Noel, Jennifer Tyrrell, Greg Bourke, Will Oliver, Pascal Tessier, Dave McGrath, Rich Ferraro, Scouts, Scout Leaders, Parents and Supporters from Across the United States
May 16, 2013 – Next week, as the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) considers for the first time ending discrimination of gay Scouts, Scouts for Equality (SfE) and the Inclusive Scouting Network (ISN), will host the “Equal Scouting Summit.” with support from GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign. Being held across from the BSA National Meeting, the Summit is an opportunity for supporters from across the country to come together to discuss next steps in building the foundation of an inclusive BSA.
Speakers at the Summit will include Zach Wahls, Mark Noel, Jennifer Tyrrell, Greg Bourke, Will Oliver, Pascal Tessier, Dave Rice, and Dave Knapp whose personal experiences of the BSA’s discriminatory policies moved them to become leaders of the equal Scouting movement and led to the collection of more than 1.8 million petition signatures calling for an end to the BSA’s ban on gay members. Events during the Summit will include a welcome ceremony for Eagle Scout Dave McGrath and his son Army Specialist Joe McGrath as they ride into Texas and complete their 1,800-mile bike ride for equality and the culmination of the Voice of the Gay Scout project. Gay Scouts across the country have submitted letters of what they would say to the National Council voters if they had the opportunity and during the Summit those letters will be read out loud. Read more…
Scouts for Equality Council Day of Action Update!
On 11, May 2013 | In Campaign Events | By Ken Schulz
Scouts, parents, leaders, and supporters have gathered across the country to participate in amazing Day of Action events and share why they support a fully inclusive Boy Scouts of America. Stories and photos are still coming in, but we want to highlight the amazing work of our volunteers today with a quick preview:
San Francisco Rally – San Francisco City Hall, CA